Program > By author > Gianessi Paolo

A Branch & Cut algorithm for the Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
Diego Cattaruzza  1@  , Paolo Gianessi  2, *@  
1 : Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille  (CRIStAL)  -  Website
Ecole Centrale de Lille
Cité Scientifique - CS 20048 59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex - France -  France
2 : Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Modélisation et d'Optimisation des Systèmes  (LIMOS)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR6158, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines - Saint-Étienne, Institut Henri Fayol
158 cours Fauriel - CS 62362 42023 Saint-Étienne CEDEX 2 - FRANCE -  France
* : Corresponding author

The Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MTVRPTW) generalizes the well-known Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) in that vehicles can perform more than one trip within a maximum shift length but must comply customer time windows.

The MTVRPTW has recently got the attention of scholars due to its applications to city logistics. A Branch & Price approach is proposed in [1], while [2] tackles a variant with limited trip duration.

We propose a three-index MILP formulation for the MTVRPTW that makes use of base and replenishment arcs. The former model the direct connection between two nodes, while the latter imply a reload operation in between two clients. Base and replenishment arc variables are vehicle-indexed. Replenishment arcs allow to represent a journey as an elementary path and thus to ensure connectivity by separating SECs on a transformation of the graph. Further sets of two-indexed variables allow to impose time windows, shift length, and service-dependent loading time constraints.

The use of classical capacity constraints to enforce the load limit on vehicles leads to a Branch & Cut algorithm. Capacity constraints are then strengthened after branching decisions to exploit some properties of the vehicle index.

Preliminary tests have been conducted, with promising results. 

[1] F.Hernandez, D.Feillet, R.Giroudeau, O.Naud, "Branch-and-price algorithms for the solution of the multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows." EJOR, 249(2):551-559, 2016.
[2] F.Hernandez, D.Feillet, R.Giroudeau, O.Naud, "A new exact algorithm to solve the multi-trip vehicle routing problem with time windows and limited duration." 4OR, 12:235-259, 2014.

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